Friday, 6 June 2014

Love is…

Love is when you feel a pat on your back, early in the morning, and hear a sleepy voice saying, “Mamma, will you please turn towards me & sleep?”

Love is when the li’l one says to you , “Mamma please bend down” & then plants two kisses on your cheeks

Love is when he giggles at your silliest jokes

Love is when he says, “Mamma, you are a good girl”

Love is when he admires you as you get dressed for an evening out & says, “Wow, beautiful.”

Love is when he says, "I love you Mamma."

Love is when he says, while on a trip, “I am enjoying myself with you & Baba”

Love is when he asks, “When is Baba coming back ?” , while Baba is on a trip out of town.

Love is spending each day with you, watching you grow, be naughty, be sweet … and just simply be yourself. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

To my sweetest Valentine

You love me and hug me all the time. You kiss me when I'm least expecting it and demand that you be kissed back. A demand to which I give in readily. Sometimes, when you kiss me in public, I feel a little self-conscious but you have no such thought in your mind. When I'm hurting, you ask me what's the matter and how you can make it better. You are hurt when I'm upset with you. You help me with my work and I ask you, just like I did yesterday, whether you will always love me just like you do now. Of course, you don't know what I mean, but nevertheless, you say “Yes, I will”. You are my ray of sunshine, the reason I laugh and, sometimes, the reason I cry.

You are my sweetest Valentine, my dear Son and will always be so no matter how old you grow.