Thursday, 12 June 2008

I feel old when…

… on seeing the rainy / cloudy skies from my office window, instead of feeling mushy & romantic inside, I catch myself worrying about the clothes hanging out to dry at home getting wet. :-)

… on coming out of the office, I spend a few seconds wondering where I parked my car in the morning.

… I watch the ever-increasing strands of grey in my hair (altho’ I pacify myself by remembering a friend who used to have a head full of grey hairs in college itself).

… I see the grown-up kids of some of my friends.

… when all & sundry, even the 1 foot taller college-going guy/gal in the building, calls me aunty.

… when I wake up some mornings with aches & pains in different parts of the body.

Addendum 1: A friend of mine who read this post & the next one told me that I should also feel old when my maid calls me "Amma". But staying in Bangalore for almost 5 years has made me realize that to the Kannadigas calling a lady Amma (mother) is the same as calling a lady Didi (older sister) is for a Bengali ... it is merely a show of respect. So that's granted. :-) However, be warned: when in Bengal, you should absolutely object to being called Boudi (bhabhi, sister-in-law) or Mashima (aunty). :-)

Addendum 2 (6th Jan, 2015): I know I am old when after returning from a trip, no matter how exotic the location or if it was my childhood home, I feel glad to be on my own turf. Home sweet home , indeed !!! Wish I could have it on wheels ...SIGH ... :-)


Sayani said...

hi there ....age is a very perspective matter ...i think if we feel young from heart ...we are young ...and who cares if the whole world is against....
nice post

Piscean Angel said...

Hey Sayani ... thanks. Yeah, believe that too & most of the ones that I wrote about actually bring a smile to my face, esp. the 1st two. :)
Thanks for visiting.

Mystic Margarita said...

Nice post - feel the same way myself! Identify with all the points - grey strands are increaing with alarming speed!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

my thoughts exactly. With increasing age, I seem to have increasing grey hairs (hidden by henna), increasing aunty-phobia (I'll go the vendor who calls me bhabi rather than aunty, even if he charges more) and increasing pain in the joints (knees, lower back, etc etc). growing old is a pain in the neck.

Piscean Angel said...

SS, u cudn't be more correct... growing old is truly a pain. :)

Sukku said...

Well age really cathes up and I don't really feel as old as I am...I am only greying at the sides ...and what the heck...I just leave they say..."You are as old as you think"...